MEET SmartCocoon.
Smart (wifi) Register Booster Fan
The FIRST Smart Microzoning Climate Control System for residential buildings that allows you to adjust temperature down to specific rooms in your house!

Now Smarter than Ever.
You can now control your smart fan using different modes;
Choose between on/off, eco and Auto:
On/Off keeps the fan always on/off no matter if the main system is working or not.
ECO turns the fan on only when the main HVAC system is working, which makes it the most energy efficient mode.
Auto shows the estimated room temperature and the user can define setpoints for each individual room. in this mode, the fan works only if the main system is working and also if the room temperature is not meeting the user's desired temperature (the setpoint).
Application Setup
- Find a wall plug close to your router/modem.
- Plugin the smart fan Connect the power cable connector to the unit and plug it in.Wait until you see the LED indicator blink BLUE
- Download the SmartCocoon app
Search “SmartCocoon” in your app store.*The application is available both on the iOS and Android markets.
Register and sync the app with your thermostate.
- Follow the steps in the app and fill in the required fields.
- Synchronize with your smart thermostat (if applicable).
- Using the app, Add the room where the smart fan will be installed.
- Add your smart fan
- Enter the room and press the “Add Device” or “+” button.
- If you are using an Android phone, the device will be automatically detected. If using an iOS, you need to enter the fan ID manually.Please note the fan ID is a combination of 6 letters and numbers printed on the fan body.
- Enter the proper network name and password. On Android devices, you will have a list of available networks to choose from.Make sure to choose 2.4Ghz networks only and the password. If using iOS, the network name should be entered manually and spelt accurately. Press “OK” and wait. Please do not close the app or switch apps during the setup. Also keep your phone close to the device and do not move the phone.
- Once the blue LED stops blinking, the device is connected to Wifi.
In case of a fan connection error, please reset the device.
Please note that your smart fan is fully automatic but in order to start working it needs to be properly placed inside the vent. It also requires the main HVAC system to actively work, meaning there should be hot/ cold air coming out of the vent.
Start with removing the existing grill. Wipe or vacuum inside the vent before installation, Use brackets if/where needed.
Step1. Pass a bracket through each of the four slots until it clicks, making sure the tabs face outwards.

Step2. Place a spring in the hole between opposite brackets.

Step3. Connect the adapter cord and plug in the adapter. Make sure the Main HVAC system is off or on standby before starting the next step.

Step4. Place the Smart Fan inside the vent. Push far enough for the tabs to latch onto the floor.
Turn on your home’s HVAC system _ set to cooling or heating_ and wait to feel warm/cold air coming out while the device is inside the vent.
- After about 90 seconds the fans will start turning and your device is all set up. If the device does not start in 3 minutes contact support.

Step5. Place the vent grill back into place.
Got any questions?