Smart Cocoon

How to Start an HVAC Business in 7 Steps 2023

HVAC market trends

The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) industry is a booming sector with immense growth potential. As long as buildings exist, there will be a need for HVAC services to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. The industry is expected to grow at a steady rate, offering numerous opportunities for new businesses.

Both residential and commercial sectors have a constant demand for HVAC services. Whether it's air conditioning in the summer or heating in the winter, HVAC services are essential for comfort and health. This constant need ensures a steady flow of business opportunities.

Therefore starting an HVAC business can be a rewarding venture if done right. Below are the seven crucial steps to guide you through the process of establishing your own HVAC business.


Graphs and charts illustrating HVAC market trends


Step 1: Market Research

Understanding the Local and National Market

Before diving into the HVAC business, it's crucial to understand both local and national markets. Factors like population growth and climate change are driving demand, making the industry competitive yet ripe for growth.

Market research helps you stay updated with trends and customer preferences, allowing you to adjust your business strategies accordingly.

Tools and Methods for Effective Market Research

Utilize tools like customer surveys and big data analytics to gain insights into the market and customer needs. Through comprehensive market research, you can discover areas that need improvement and can align your products and services more closely with customer needs. This gives you a competitive edge and allows you to provide superior service.

Identifying Target Customers and Their Needs

Know your target sectors—residential or commercial—and tailor your services to meet their specific needs like energy efficiency and system reliability. Being aware of consumer trends like automatic temperature regulation can help you offer more tailored services.

Competitor Analysis and Finding a Gap

Understanding your competitors is crucial for identifying gaps in the market that your business could fill. This involves knowing their strengths and weaknesses and understanding their unique selling propositions (USPs).

While the HVAC industry offers numerous opportunities, it also presents challenges like seasonality, increased competition, and talent shortages. Being aware of these challenges can help you strategize effectively to overcome them.


Business plan outline for HVAC startup


Step 2: Business Plan

A well-structured business plan is your roadmap to success. It helps you stay focused and organized, making it easier to achieve your business goals.

  • Executive Summary
  • The Executive Summary is usually the last section you write but the first one that people read. It provides a snapshot of your business, including the type of HVAC services you offer and your growth plans.

  • Market Analysis
  • This section should include an overview of the HVAC industry, market trends, and the potential market size for your business. It should also identify your key competitors and suppliers in the market.

    • Financial Projections

    Your financial plan should include a 5-year financial statement, broken down monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. This includes your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

    For step-by-step HVAC Business plan guide and templates click here. 


    Legal documents for HVAC business structure


    Step 3: Legal Formalities

    Deciding on the right business structure is a critical step in starting your HVAC business. The structure you choose will have implications for how you report income, your level of personal liability, and how you can raise capital.

    Types of Business Structures

    Sole Proprietorship: This is the simplest form, where you own the business entirely and are responsible for all debts and liabilities.

    Partnership: Here, two or more people share ownership. Each partner contributes to all aspects of the business, including money, property, labor, or skill.

    Corporation: This is a more complex structure, where the business is a separate entity from its owners, providing them with personal asset protection.

    Limited Liability Company (LLC): This offers the flexibility of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation.


    Different financing options for HVAC business


    Step 4: Financing Your Business

    There are multiple avenues for securing the funds you need to start your HVAC business.

    Bank Loans

    Traditional bank loans are a common option. They offer large sums of money but require a solid business plan and a good credit history for approval.

    Angel Investors

    Angel investors are individuals who provide capital in exchange for equity or convertible debt. They are often more willing to take risks and may offer mentorship along with financial support.


    Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow you to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people. This is a good option if you have a unique selling proposition or a strong community following.

    The Benefits of Offering Financing to Your Clients

    According to PowerPay, between 50-80% of HVAC projects are financed. Offering financing options to your clients can lead to more closed contracts and higher profits. It also allows you to offer top-quality materials and installation without straining your client's budget.

    Choose a financing service that minimizes or eliminates additional fees to maximize your profits. PowerPay, for example, offers instant approvals up to $100,000 and direct payment into your bank account via ACH, eliminating the need for you to act as a collection agent.


    Essential tools for HVAC services


    Step 5: Equipment and Supplies

    Starting an HVAC business requires an array of tools. According to Jobber, the initial cost for essential tools ranges from $1,040–2,940.

    Basic and Power Tools

    Screwdriver set: For installations ($10–30).

    Power drill: Essential for fastening components ($20–80).

    Specialized Tools

    Multimeter: For electrical testing ($30–40).

    Manifold gauge set: To measure refrigerant levels ($35–85).

    Importance of Quality Tools

    Investing in high-quality tools is crucial for long-term success. Quality tools are more durable and efficient, reducing long-term costs.

    Safety First

    Don't skimp on safety tools like Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) devices. These are essential for worker safety and are part of standard industry protocols.


    Marketing strategies for HVAC business


    Step 6: Marketing and Sales

    Allocate funds for both digital and traditional advertising to boost your HVAC business.


    Digital: Utilize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click)  for online reach.

    Traditional: Use flyers and billboards for local impact.

    Customer Base

    Prioritize customer service and encourage positive online reviews to attract new clients.

    HVAC partnership opportunities


    In the HVAC industry, partnerships can open up new avenues for growth and customer acquisition. SmartCocoon offers a unique partnership opportunity where you can earn a 20% commission for every referral. you are already in touch with people who desperately need this solution, so just passing the information, you will earn a 20% commission. Additional income streams like this can significantly boost your HVAC business.

    As a partner, you also get the benefit of having your own personalized page on the SmartCocoon website. This platform allows you to showcase your expertise, connect with potential customers, and differentiate yourself from competitors.

    If you're interested in leveraging this unique opportunity, SmartCocoon is eager to partner with you. By filling out a simple form, you can start enhancing your service offerings and attracting new clients, all while earning additional income through referrals.

    Or you can simply contact us at or call at 647.271.6815.


    Step 7: Operations and Customer Service

    Managing Operations

    Effective daily management is key. Utilize software for scheduling and real-time communication between dispatchers and field techs to maintain a positive brand reputation.

    Excellent customer service leads to repeat business. Key elements include:

    1. Personalized Service: Use software to arm your reps with customer details.
    2. Fast Response: Ensure technicians are punctual.
    3. Professionalism: Techs should be well-equipped and professional.

    Implement technology like ServiceTitan’s HVAC software for real-time tracking and automated confirmations to streamline operations and improve customer service.

    Final Thoughts

    Embarking on an HVAC business in 2023 is a viable opportunity, thanks to ever-present demand. The seven steps outlined here—from market research to customer service—provide a comprehensive guide for success. Technology and excellent customer service are your allies in standing out in this competitive field.